Monday, November 28, 2011

What Do You Work For?

Last night, my pastor said something to the extent of: whatever you want/value, you work for. Whatever you want, you work for, you prepare for. If you're looking forward to eternity and being with the Lord, that is what you prepare for. Our lives are but a vapor, but eternity is forever.

I want to prepare to be with God for all eternity. That's what is most important to me. I find it so motivating that Jesus could come at ANY time. I used to think that He could only come after certain prophecies were fulfilled. There are still prophecies leading up to the great tribulation that have yet to be fulfilled, but I realize now that all prophecies have been fulfilled in order for the rapture to happen. Jesus can come at any time!!! I think I'll be discussing that in my next video...

I'm not sure if I will still be alive when the rapture happens, but if I am, I want Him to find me doing something to further His kingdom and not my own selfish desires.

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