Saturday, November 26, 2011

Rapture, Death, & The Last Days

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about the rapture for some reason. Reading about it and researching it and watching movies about it and talking about it. It's been on my mind quite a bit. I wonder if I will be around to see it or if I will die before then...

Dying used to be something that I was really scared of. I think it was more so the fear of the unknown that scared me: what happens after you die? That sort of thing. Once I discovered that absence from the body means to be present with the Lord, that really put my mind at ease.

There are days when I would really rather be there than here. I can't imagine a life of total peace. No hurt, no pain, no fear? Sounds like heaven! Ha-ha get it? Heaven...
But for the most part, I want to be here to raise my children into godly adults - I feel like I can't leave that responsibility to someone else. It was entrusted to me.

I really went off on a tangent there, didn't I? Lol! Anyway, here's a video I made about the 70 week prophecy found in Daniel. Hope it gives you a little more understanding regarding the end times/last days.

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