
"...I read where John Newton said to William Wilberforce, "Two things I remember, I am a great sinner--Christ is a great Saviour". This is so true but I hear too many Christians using quotes like this to excuse a weak faith. Faith begins by hearing the Word of God, (Romans 10:17). Then after we have been saved by grace through faith God uses all kinds of things like predicaments and catastrophes to build our faith. It's during those times of crisis that we learn to lean on Him. But there are many Christians who get weaker when bad things happen in their lives. A weak faith is weakened by predicaments and catastrophes, whereas a strong faith is strengthened by them. When a catastrophe comes into your life, it's only God saying, lean on me, try me and I will get you through this. In James chapter one he says that we are to think of the trials we go through as occasions of joy. And the reason why we should rejoice is because we realize it's a test to produce endurance and build our faith. In James 1:4, he challenges us to let trials do their work so that we may be fully mature, complete, and lacking in nothing. ... I am not rejoicing for the pain and I am not rejoicing for the limitations I'm experiencing but I am rejoicing in knowing that God is doing a work in me. Someone said that God brings us into deep waters, not to drown us, but to cleanse us. I believe that when a Christian allows a trial to do its work and they come through it, they come through cleansed and stronger than ever. Trials are a lot like school, we can't graduate to the next grade until we take and pass the test. Great Christians have had great trials and great trials have made great Christians. God bless!"

We have all experienced some kind of tragedy in our lives. Whether it makes you or breaks you is up to you.

Pray for Those Who are Fighting or Lost Someone to Cancer
Pain does heal in time, but I often wonder how much time is needed...
January I lost a member of my family, my would be sister-in-law, I guess it was never meant to be. She left behind my brother and my nephew when she lost her battle with breast cancer. Some days I think of her and some days I don't because it is still a hard pill to swallow. This morning, I saw this video for the first time and of course I was balling. I wish we could all have happy endings...

Here, I talk about my experience in one of the greatest tragedies of my life to date: miscarrying a baby.

For all the women (and men) who have ever had an experience like this or know someone who has, this video is for you! I want everyone to know that sexual assault is not the end of the world. Seek help. Find comfort. There is help out there...

Here is a link to an awesome video on abortion, check it out!
Copy and paste the link below into your browser's address bar:

I was feeling down about the miscarriage today and these words were brought to my attention by a friend who has become dear to me:
“Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him” – this is the most sublime utterance of faith in the whole of the Bible. They are from Job 13:15. Job, who lost everything but his very life - his family, his friends, all of his worldly possessions, and even his health - still trusted in God every moment of every day of his life. Lord I pray for that kind of faith!