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On this page I will be posting about my random Bible reading: what I learned, what I liked, what I loved, things I struggle with, etc.
Today I was reading through Luke chapters 1 and 3 about Elisabeth and Zechariah and their son, John the Baptist. Elisabeth and Mary were cousins so John the Baptist and Jesus are cousins too. Jesus spoke so highly of John in saying that of men born of women, there is none greater. We don't learn much about his life here except that he (John) was created with a purpose: to prepare the way of the Lord. It reminds me of something my pastor was saying about when the king would travel: his servants would go ahead of him on the path he was to take and remove any obstacles so that when the king came through, his path would be "straight." What an awesome job to have, to prepare the way of the Lord. And if you really think about it, that is the job that all of us Christians have. We are meant to be that same voice crying in the wilderness that John the Baptist was back then: announcing the soon coming of our King.
Today I was reading Luke chapter 9, particularly verses 56-62. Isn't it interesting that Jesus required the people who wanted to follow him to forsake every care they had in the world? From saying goodbye to their family to burying their parent. Jesus basically said to them 'don't look back when you've started the work of God.' How many of us live like this? I know I don't. I'm guilty of looking back constantly. This reminds me of Lot's wife who looked back and was turned into a pillar of salt. I've heard it said that her looking back symbolized her desire to return to the sinful environment she had left in Sodom and Gommorah. I've asked myself, what makes me look back? Is it that I miss the sinful ways I've turned away from? I don't know. But one thing I do know, when I look back, it is usually at a person in particular - for example my brother or my ex-best friend. I wonder what will become of them? Will they ever accept God's grace? I pray that God will use me to reach everyone I come in contact with who has not yet attained salvation.
Matthew 15:21-28 The Canaanite woman's faith
The Canaanite woman went to Jesus in search of healing for her daughter who was "grievously vexed" (demon-possessed) with a devil. The disciples urged Jesus to send her away because "she crieth after us," to which Jesus replied that he is sent to the lost sheep in Israel - to the Jews. She came and worshipped Him and said "Lord, help me." Jesus responded with "it is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it to dogs." He was saying it's not good to take the Jews' bread and give it to the Gentiles. When I read this, I was like wow, that's harsh! But the Lord was testing the woman's faith. The woman's response, (I'm paraphrasing unless you see quotation marks) that's true Lord but even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters' table, showed her faith in the Lord's mercy and power. Jesus replied "O woman great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt." Then it says her daughter was made well that very hour. Can you imagine if she had turned and gone back on her way when the Lord said it wasn't good to give the children's bread to the dogs! She may have felt rejected and likely lost her faith, but she definitely would have missed out on the miracle that God had planned for her and her daughter. How wonderful, how merciful is our Lord to those who believe and put their trust in Him!
"But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him." Hebrews 11:6
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