Monday, November 7, 2011

Our Hearts are Broken

It's been especially difficult thinking of the miscarriage lately. From the medical bills to the devotionals to talks between the two of us - it's been hard to "put it behind us" with constant reminders everywhere. On top of that, a friend of ours is pregnant with a due date just two days before ours was - her baby shower is this weekend and though we desire to go, it may not be healthy for us emotionally after suffering this loss. We have not been to one since we lost our baby, though we've been invited to a few.

During a pillow talk conversation this past week, we wondered why God had not given us at least one son, knowing how greatly we both desired one. We came to the conclusion that He must have given us something amazing to offer to girls and that is why God blessed us with so many. But we can't help but wonder about 'the one that got away...'

Quoting my friend: "If through a broken heart God can bring His purposes to pass in the world, then thank Him for breaking your heart."

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