Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

So here's my take on it!
I'm not really into the whole ghosts, ghouls, goblins thing. I'm no fan of death or creepy/scary things (though I used to be). Between you and me, I actually haven't dressed any of my kids up for Halloween since my oldest daughter (age 6) was one. I have nothing against people who do, but you most likely won't see my kids dressed up like devils, witches, or vampires. If I could dress them up as ballerinas and princesses and other cute things like that, I wouldn't see anything wrong with my kids dressing up. But honestly, on my family's strict budget I just can't justify spending that kind of money on a 'holiday' that I'm not even sure if I should be celebrating or not! Lol! (hey, I was honest) We'll see what happens next year...

"And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;"

"What is it like to be a Christian?"
"It is a lot like being a pumpkin. God picks you from the patch, brings you in, and washes all the dirt off of you. Then He cuts off the top and scoops out all the yucky stuff. He removes the seeds of doubt, hate, and greed. Then He carves you a new smiling face and puts His light inside of you to shine for all the world to see."

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Liar Liar Pants on Fire

I have an extremely low tolerance for lying. Whether it's not telling the whole truth or just being deceptive in general: I have little respect for people who lie. That goes for anyone. And truth be told, once you've lied to me, trust is nonexistent. I expect a liar to lie about anything and everything, not just some things in some areas. If you lie about something that can be considered small and trivial, I fully expect you to lie about the more serious and meaningful. Dealing with a liar is frustrating. So I choose not to. Who has time to waste trying to figure out whether someone is being truthful with them or not? I certainly don't.

Friday, October 28, 2011


Pronounced: \ˈHi-pə-ˌkrit\ a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion; a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings.

"Hypocrisy involves deception of others and is thus a kind of lie."

One of my biggest pet peeves is the hypocrite. I can't stand when people are prideful and get all self righteous on you, knowing full well that they are not perfect themselves! And as a Christian, I realize that many people refer to us as hypocrites because we struggle, we stumble, we fall, we make constant mistakes.

But please understand that that is not what being a hypocrite means. The hypocrites are the people who are in church flailing their arms claiming to have the holy spirit, but later that same day are sleeping with the pastor. The hypocrites are the preachers telling you that you must do this and do that to obtain salvation, but do not do the things they tell you to do. The hypocrites are the people who point the finger, put you down, accuse you, and condemn you knowing full well that they are guilty themselves!!!

Yes, there are many Christians that are hypocrites - I have known many personally! But I thank God that I am not one. I am that Christian that is striving to do right, trying to do better. My struggles, my failures, and my shortcomings don't make me a hypocrite. They make me human. I'm a person just like everyone else.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Nothing New Under the Sun...

I started this blog because I want to talk about what it's like to be a Christian in today's society. Many people wonder how a book as old as the Bible could possibly apply to our lives today. Through spiritual growth and maturity, I now see that there truly is nothing new under the sun; there is no situation that God does not know or understand; and there are absolutely no circumstances that the Bible does not address. Here in this blog, you will learn about my personal struggles as a Christian and those of others around me. I am not politically correct and I will be brutally honest, so leave your sensitivity at the door.